Why is it so hard to understand why our trust is shattered and we feel hurt? When we trust a person and that person breaks our trust, it turns everything upside down for us. We are left alone with lots of questions with no answers, disbelief, and unbelievable pain. It is very hard to overcome the betrayal and forget the ...
Working from home might not be new for some of us but initially, it was challenging for me. Work from home is when we usually work at our place setting an atmosphere like office space but due to limited choices, it is sometimes very challenging. Working from home is increasing throughout the world due to this pandemic situation. Everybody wants ...
There are so many days when we get tired, tired of everything. It is hard to continue living like this, we all have problems and it is sad but if we remain like this then we can even go into depression which will make our condition even worse. I am saying this as we need to be aware of all ...
Life seems to be painless, until you perceive the pain Life seems to be alluring, until you recognize the fact. But, life seems to be fatuous if you haven’t experienced the harsh realities At the denouement, you have to admire all the things, if they are good or bad… Because, they all are for your sake Have you ever thought ...
Our thoughts only decide what we are, and if we want to see improvement in our life then the first thing we can do is improve our “Thoughts”. Always try to be positive as positive thinking can reduce all our stress. Don’t let your thoughts dominate you, instead of dominating your thoughts and always try to improve them regardless of ...
What’s going in my mind!!! In life, the most important thing is to be happy, but sometimes it seems to be the toughest task for us. Due to some reason, life seems to be tough and we also start to blame ourselves. Most of the time we feel irritated because we have nothing to do. No one to share, not ...
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We love to write share our thoughts, and writing is the key skill that we waana present here. Hope you all like that!